I will make your job easier with my skills as a virtual assistant

I’m Adriano and I’m a virtual assistant

do you have many tasks in your job that take up your time and energy but these could be delegable? You’ve come to the right ad and I’ll tell you how I can solve your problem.

I can make your life and your work easier by giving you support in tasks such as:
Data entry
Basic design
Web research
PDF to word
E-Mail management
Customer service
Social Media management
Travel Itinerary & Scheduling
Research work/Data Mining (Web Research & Mining)
Translations English-Spanish German-Spanish

I am quite open flexible and I can adapt myself and do some other tasks if necessary, you can consult me without any problem.

I remind you that I am also a Google certificate and Facebook ads specialist, if you have any interest in any of these services I will be very happy to help you with your ads campaigns.

Kind regards,
Adriano 😉

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