Property Management Virtual Assistant And Bookkeeper

Hi, and thanks for reading my posting!

Please read through the entire description before submitting a proposal. It’s lengthy, and deliberately so. If you read through the entire description, that shows you’re a serious candidate!

In order to check that you’ve read through the entire description, somewhere below is a completely random question. In your response, be sure to answer that question first! That way, I’ll know that you’ve read it all.

Also, while the background you have is important, what’s much more important is your potential to learn more and do more. So feel free to apply even if you don’t have all the skills mentioned below. Be prepared to demonstrate that you have potential for a lot more!

*My background*

I run a property management business with two offerings:
1) Traditional long-term property management, with leases of 1 year or longer
2) Airbnb property management, in which guests stay for 30 nights or less

My business took a big during the pandemic, but fortunately things are now back to 2019 levels. In fact, business is suddenly growing quite rapidly, and I’m getting overwhelmed with keeping track of all the daily operational tasks, let alone building my business!

That’s where you come in 🙂

I’m looking for somebody to take over a lot of the daily operational tasks so that I can focus on building my business.

Below you’ll see the skills and background I’m looking for, but be aware that my intention is to select 3 candidates, work closely with each of them on a separate 5-hour project in order to vet their skills and see how well we work together, and then select the best of those 3 candidates for *a lot* more work going forward.

So while this particular job posting is for only a 5-hour project, it could turn into something much more long-term.

*What I’m looking for*

Temperament and abilities:
— Able and eager to learn quickly
— Great communication skills
— Able to work independently (after learning)
— Able and willing to challenge me if I’m wrong, and to tell me if there’s a better way of doing something

Here is the random question mentioned above. At the beginning of your message, please answer this question: *Who was the US President in 2015?* (I ask this random question, and I place it here down below, as a test to see if you’ve read the entire description before responding.)

Skills and background: (these are not nearly as important as the temperament and abilities noted above)
— Experience with being a virtual assistant
— Experience with working in real estate and/or property management
— Experience with bookkeeping, preferably Xero, but Quickbooks is also good
— Experience with the property management software package DoorLoop

Tasks: (what you don’t know how to do, I’ll teach you. Again, the temperament and abilities above are more important)
— Bookkeeping for the long-term property management part of my business, initially in Xero, but moving over to DoorLoop
— Onboarding to DoorLoop
— Scheduling property showings
— Coordinating repairs
— Managing Google Drive

I look forward to your response!


Kate Marie

Barack Obama was the president in 2015 in US.

Hello! I am a graduate of well-known and prestigious Accounting School. A person who is dedicated, competent, and detailed-oriented with the ability to go beyond expectations.

I had my internship in COA-Department of Public Works and Highways.

I had my bookkeeping in depth training in Quickbooks last july 2023.

I emit enthusiasm, strong communication skills with ability to articulate thoughts and ideas, patient, approachable that I work well with people. I am effectively a blank canvas with no preconceived ideas about your workplace which means you can train me up to become a high performing employee.

Thank you!


The president was Barack Obama in 2015. I work in the scheduling department of a car dealership. I handle rentals, customer communications, and book keeping. If you have further questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].


Dear David,
I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am writing in response to the captivating opportunity for the Property Management and Bookkeeping role. Your comprehensive description showcases a meticulous approach, and I am eager to collaborate closely to advance your property management enterprise.
To address your query upfront: The US President in 2015 was Barack Obama.
I resonate deeply with your emphasis on temperament, capabilities, and potential for growth. With a background in real estate and bookkeeping, I find synergy in your dual focus on long-term property management and Airbnb. While I may not possess every skill outlined, I am confident in swiftly acquiring new proficiencies.
My background as a virtual assistant underscores strong communication skills and adeptness in independent work, while maintaining collaborative client relationships. My experience in property management equips me to efficiently schedule viewings, coordinate repairs, and manage diverse property-related tasks.
My bookkeeping proficiency spans QuickBooks and Xero, and I am poised to seamlessly transition to door Loop. Proficiency with Google Drive ensures streamlined document management and sharing.
Your commitment to a learning-oriented mindset resonates with me. I am dedicated not only to task execution but also to enhancing processes and efficiency through proactive insights. Challenging norms for better outcomes is second nature to me.
The prospect of a 5-hour project with potential for extended collaboration is alluring. This opportunity excites me to showcase my skills and temperament, demonstrating the substantial value I can bring to your business.
Thank you for considering my application. I anticipate the chance to delve deeper into how my attributes align with your needs. Please feel free to contact me to arrange a conversation.


Simon Peter

in 2015, the US president was Barack Obama.
I have read your post and I’m interested. i possess accounting skills with quickbooks and have tremendous experience in day to day operations as stipulated in your post.
you can reach me on Whatapp +254715928743 or email [email protected]

Shreya Singh

I hope this message finds you in good spirits.
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