Laravel Developer with IFTTT Service Experience

We need to establish an interface between IFTTT and our Laravel project.

From a C# program, notifications (via email, SMS, and push) are sent to customers. The determination of which user receives which notification is dictated by a table in our MySQL database. The data to be sent includes:
– Date
– Organization
– Keyword
– Subkeyword
– Alert Level.

Now, we want to empower our customers to trigger their own actions via IFTTT. To enable this, we need to establish a connection from IFTTT to Laravel in order to register the IFTTT user in our database.

Since each user has unique permissions, we need to execute a specific action for each user.

Hence, we require an example of a POST request that we can integrate ourselves into C# (or as a sample in Postman), allowing users in IFTTT to create custom triggers using the data we provide.

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