Flutter App Firebase Integration

We are looking for an experienced Flutter developer to integrate various Firebase free products(The lists are given below) into our mobile application. The app will leverage the power of Firebase for analytics, authentication, storage, and more. The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of Flutter development and Firebase services. The goal is to enhance our app’s functionality and user experience by leveraging these free Firebase tools.

1. Analytics (Plugin: `firebase_analytics`)
2. App Check (Plugin: `firebase_app_check`)
3. Cloud Firestore (Plugin: `cloud_firestore`)
4. Cloud Messaging (Plugin: `firebase_messaging`)
5. Crashlytics (Plugin: `firebase_crashlytics`)
6. Dynamic Links (Plugin: `firebase_dynamic_links`)
7. Firebase Installations (Plugin: `firebase_app_installations`)
8. Performance Monitoring (Plugin: `firebase_performance`)
9. Remote Config (Plugin: `firebase_remote_config`)


– Integrate Firebase Analytics to track user interactions and app performance.
– Set up Cloud Firestore for efficient data storage and retrieval.
– Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications.
– Integrate Firebase Crashlytics for real-time crash reporting and debugging.
– Implement other listed Firebase free products based on project requirements.


– Proficiency in Flutter development and Dart programming language.
– Prior experience with integrating Firebase services into Flutter applications.
– Strong understanding of mobile app architecture and user experience.
– Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively.

→ The task should be completed within 4 days.

All features added on should comply with the following:
1. Should pass our penetration test
2. Should pass our load test with 1,00,000 concurrent users
3. Should be responsive, and be supported on all Android/Tab/IOS devices.
4. All features made should be modular and should be easily reworkable, in case of future edits and fixes
5. All implemented changes should be well documented for the purpose of future reworks and fixes.

Post this, the freelancer should be able to push their code in the working branch and then merge the working branch with the development branch and demonstrate the working of the feature.

Backend: Django Python
Frontend Framework: Flutter and Dart
Only freelancers should apply for this job.

Q)How fast do we need it delivered?
Ans) In less than 4 days

Q)What is the first step?
Ans) To make the process easier, kindly share with us the links of similar projects you have worked on and please mention how many months/ years of experience you have as a Flutter developer.

Q)Is there potential for more work?
Ans) Yes, we are a growing company so we are building a network of reliable developers. So you can expect a lot of projects from us.

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